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Push Play for...  

Summer, Opportunities, Transformation, Careers, Community.

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Support Breakthrough Cincinnati

I’m calling on you as a steward of the great city of Cincinnati to help with a very real problem. Some students are losing valuable academic ground during their middle school years. This is a troublesome trend that will disrupt their high school, college, and career options and will affect the economic vitality of Cincinnati. During unstructured. summers, vulnerable students with potential miss the opportunity to stabilize and accelerate their academic growth. Instead, they fall behind and rarely catch up. By harnessing the power of a summer spent learning, we can overcome the achievement gap and open new doors of possibility for Cincinnati youth.

A Summer in Play

  • Students maintain or gain academic ground

  • Students’ bodies and minds are fueled

  • Teachers are motivated to help students learn

  • Students make new friends and have fun

  • Parents have peace of mind

  • Parents feel the support of a community

A Summer on Pause

  • Students fall 2-3 months behind their peers
  • Students gain twice the average amount of weight  
  • Teachers feel overwhelmed when students are behind
  • Students are bored 
  • Parents feel the pressure to program their child’s summer
  • Parents are alone

Every day at Breakthrough Cincinnati is a day in play. Students get off the couch and into the classroom and are surrounded by an “it’s cool to be smart” community.  

I invite you to support Breakthrough Cincinnati and watch what happens when you push play.


Julie Witten
Executive Director, Breakthrough Cincinnati


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